P.O. Box 56 Fairfield, WA 99012 509-944-5213 info@huntwithbitterroot.com

Wolf Hunting in Idaho

Idaho Hunting Rates and Dates
WOLF HUNTS: $4,500
April 1 - November 14


Wolf hunting is allowed in the state of Idaho and is considered by many to be one of the most challenging hunts of all animals. Even though they have been known to travel in packs of 5 to packs of 35, they are very cunning and will test your hunting skills.

We hunt them most of the year. In Idaho, you are (in our area) allowed to shoot up to 15. If you are licensed as a trapper, you are allowed 15 more. Most wolf hunters will tell you to try calling them in with an electronic caller. Set up with good wind and let it rip! The wind in the right direction is critical. After some time, gather up your gear and move to another location.

Wolf in the woodsIdaho Wolf Hunt

Information from the Idaho Fish and Game:

  • Bag Limit There is no daily or seasonal limit for wolves.  No person may take more wolves than the number of legal tags they possess. Either sex may be taken.
  • Wolf Tags Tag Valid Dates: Wolf tags bought with a hunting license are valid for the calendar year. Wolf tags bought with a trapping license are valid for the trapping year (July 1 - June 30).
  • Option to Use Nonresident Deer or Elk Tags: A hunter may use an unfilled nonresident deer or elk tag to take a black bear, mountain lion, or gray wolf instead during the open season corresponding to the deer or elk tag hunt area or unit when the season for the animal taken is also open, see page 111.
  • Tag Use for Wolf Hunting (wolves not restrained by traps): Persons with valid hunting licenses may use valid wolf tags bought under either hunting licenses or trapping licenses to take wolves in compliance with hunting seasons and rules.
  • Tag Use for Wolf Trapping: Persons trapping for wolves must possess a valid trapping license, with a Wolf Trapper Education course validation and a wolf tag(s). Trappers meeting these requirements may use valid wolf tags bought under either hunting licenses or trapping licenses to take wolves by trapping in compliance with trapping seasons and rules.
  • General Rules for Hunting and Trapping Tags: Tags must be validated and securely attached immediately upon harvesting a wolf.
  • Mandatory Check and Report: Any hunter or trapper harvesting a gray wolf must, within 10 days of the date of kill, present the skull and portion of the hide with evidence of sex attached, see page 101, to an Idaho Fish and Game office or a Fish and Game conservation officer (for removal/retention of premolar tooth and tagging of the hide with an official state export tag).
  • No person may have in possession, except within 10 days of the date of kill, any raw gray wolf pelt without an official state export tag attached unless that person possesses
  • Wolf Tags Tag Valid Dates: Wolf tags bought with a hunting license are valid for the calendar year. Wolf tags bought with a trapping license are valid for the trapping year (July 1 - June 30).
  • Option to Use Nonresident Deer or Elk Tags: A hunter may use an unfilled nonresident deer or elk tag to take a black bear, mountain lion, or gray wolf instead during the open season corresponding to the deer or elk tag hunt area or unit when the season for the animal taken is also open, see page 111.
  • Tag Use for Wolf Hunting (wolves not restrained by traps): Persons with valid hunting licenses may use valid wolf tags bought under either hunting licenses or trapping licenses to take wolves in compliance with hunting seasons and rules.
  • Tag Use for Wolf Trapping: Persons trapping for wolves must possess a valid trapping license, with a Wolf Trapper Education course validation and a wolf tag(s). Trappers meeting these requirements may use valid wolf tags bought under either hunting licenses or trapping licenses to take wolves by trapping in compliance with trapping seasons and rules.
  • General Rules for Hunting and Trapping Tags: Tags must be validated and securely attached immediately upon harvesting a wolf. Mandatory Check and Report: Any hunter or trapper harvesting a gray wolf must, within 10 days of the date of kill, present the skull and portion of the hide with evidence of sex attached, see page 101, to an Idaho Fish and Game office or a Fish and Game conservation officer (for removal/retention of premolar tooth and tagging of the hide with an official state export tag).
  • No person may have any raw gray wolf pelt without an official state export tag attached in possession, except within 10 days of the date of kill, unless that person possesses a fur buyer or taxidermist license or appropriate import documentation.
  • A hunter or trapper may authorize another person to comply with the mandatory check and report if a person has enough information to complete the necessary form accurately. The proxy statement is required; see page 101.
  • Please thaw your gray wolf hide and skull before bringing it in for tagging. Staff members may not be able to check a frozen hide or skull. Wolves with Radio Collars: Return any radio collars on harvested wolves at the time of mandatory check.
  • Evidence of Sex: External evidence of sex (scrotum, penis, or testicles for males, or udder or vulva for females) must be left naturally attached to the hide or portion of the hide until the mandatory check requirement has been satisfied.
  • Retrieving Meat: There is no requirement to retrieve meat from a harvested wolf. Big Game Feeding Sites: Hunting, trapping, or pursuing wolves within one-half mile of any active Idaho Fish and Game big game feeding site is illegal.
  • Weapon Restrictions: Similar to other big game animals; see pages 98 - 99. Except it is legal to dispatch a trapped gray wolf with any rifle or handgun. Electronic Calls: Electronic calls may be used to attract wolves. Telemetry: It is illegal to take wolves using radio telemetry.
  • Dogs: It is illegal to use dogs to pursue wolves.
  • DISCLAIMER: These rules and regulations are subject to change. It is your responsibility to know the most current regulations!

You can access the Foundation for Wildlife Management via the link below. They can tell you how harvesting wolves can be beneficial and what they are all about: https://f4wm.org

Looking for an adventure of a lifetime? Bitterroot Outfitters is here to provide you with an unforgettable experience through our guided big-game hunting adventures. Our expeditions offer wolf hunting over bait, from treestands, or ground blinds. We specialize in providing novice and experienced hunters with the skills, tools, and resources necessary to have a successful hunt. Contact us today to book your bear hunt and get ready for a thrilling experience in the great outdoors!

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