Archery or Rifle: September 15 - December 1
Moose are the largest members of the deer family. They stand 6’ tall from hoof to shoulder and weigh in at more than 1,000 pounds. Each light to dark brown hair is hollow, and the air trapped inside provides insulation. A flap of skin called the “dewlap” hangs from its throat.
You must apply for a controlled hunt tag to hunt for moose in Idaho. Moose are the only “once in a lifetime” species in which you can harvest a bull or cow. This is a lottery system in which there is about an 11% chance of drawing a tag for our hunting area, Unit 7.
If there are any unclaimed (leftover) controlled moose tags, you can apply for an additional hunting opportunity for the late draw. Moose tags are $2,957.33, of which $2,626.75 is refundable if you do not draw. However, it is your responsibility to verify whether you succeeded in the draw. There are 517 tags available, and around 1250+ people usually apply.
To hunt for moose in Idaho, you will need to do the following:
Only moose with at least one antler longer than six inches may be taken in any season open for antlered moose only. Only moose without antlers or with antlers less than six inches long may be taken in any season, which is open for antlerless moose only.
Mandatory Check and Report Requirements All successful moose hunters must report their harvest within 10 days of the date of the kill and have a big game mortality report completed. Any hunter killing an antlered moose must present the antlers to a conservation officer or at an Idaho Fish and Game regional office and have a big game mortality report completed within 10 days of the date of the kill. Fish and Game’s headquarters office is not equipped to check in moose. I
Unsuccessful hunters must present or mail their unused tags to a Fish and Game office within 10 days after the close of the season for which the tag was valid. Tags can be mailed to Idaho Fish and Game, Attn: Wildlife Bureau, PO Box 25, Boise, ID 83707. Canceled tags will be returned to the hunter upon request. Failure to report may result in future ineligibility in moose drawings.
If you are lucky enough to draw a tag and would like to go Moose hunting, give us a call, and we can take you out and show you a great time (and hopefully get you a Moose!)
Experience the thrill of a fully guided moose hunt in Northern Idaho with Bitterroot Mountain Outfitters, Inc. Join us in the fall for an unforgettable spot and stalk adventure during the rut. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to bag your very own Shiras Moose and make memories that will last a lifetime.
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